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[escepticos] Acupuntura transgénica

Para general regocijo:

Un amigo, que no entra a valorar los hechos que me transmite, me hace
llegar lo siguiente. Yo tampoco puedo "valorarlos": debo ir de inmediato a
dar rienda suelta a mi micción histérico-risible.

Saludos magufotransgénicos.

Josep Català
_________________Acupuntura que se cita_____________

> Un equipo de científicos coreanos dirigidos por el profesor Choi Yang-do de
> la Universidad de Seul ha anunciado que
> ha desarrollado un nuevo método de generación de transgénicos mediante la
> utilización de agujas de acupuntura.
> Este método consigue un tasa de transformaciones del 21% frente al 0,5% de
> los métodos más utilizados actualmente.
> Según informan, gracias a la aplicación de "ramilletes" de agujas de
> acupuntura mejoran facilitan la actividad de
> Agrobacterium.
> Adjunto la nota de prensa original (para los incrédulos)
> Saludos
> A research team and a bioengineering firm have jointly developed a new gene
> transformation method
> using acupuncture needles that is superior to existing techniques.
> The team, led by Prof. Choi Yang-do of Seoul National University's college
> of agriculture and life
> science, announced yesterday that it has succeeded in developing an
> herbicide-resistant transgenic
> soybean jointly with Scigen Harvest Co.
> The new method utilizes up to 30 bundled-up acupuncture needles to
> transplant a gene of interest
> into a target plant.
> Choi said test results showed that the new technology has a much higher
> transformation success rate
> compared to existing technology.
> He claimed that the newly developed technology has a success rate of up to
> 21 percent, much higher
> than the 0.5 percent of the current method.
> "This implies that the cost and time of developing transgenic plants, a
> crucial factor for agricultural biotech
> companies, can be significantly reduced," Prof. Choi said.
> The research team applied the technology to a currently cultivated soybean
> breed in an attempt to create a
> herbicide-resistant variant. As a result, the team succeeded in developing a
> superior herbicide-resistant soybean.
> According to experiments using bundled needles to facilitate
> agrobacterium-mediate gene transformation, 51
> of 175 soybean seed shoots were herbicide resistant and 39 shoots were
> successfully regenerated into whole
> plants. Thus the success rate of the gene transformation stood at 21
> percent.
> A Scigen spokesman said the development of the new technique will generate a
> large profit by paving the way
> for royalty compensation through technology export and cross licensing.
> Source: THE KOREA TIMES 27/03/2001