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[escepticos] [escepticos] Dedicado a los naturópatas...
Para los que piensan que las hierbas no pueden ser malas...
ST. PAUL, MN -- Slimming down is supposed to be healthy. It was not in the
case of a woman who developed a series of serious neurological problems
after losing forty pounds over an eleven-month period, according to a study
in Neurology, the journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
A 30-year-old woman who had dropped from 160 to 120 pounds using an herbal
supplement and dieting developed ataxia( failure of muscular coordination)
and nystagmus (an involuntary movement of the eyeball) and had great
difficulty walking and balancing.
A neurological examination reveled the diagnosis of Wernicke's
Encephalopathy. The disorder is known to stem from a deficiency of vitamin
B1, or thiamine, essential for carbohydrate metabolism. Wernicke's
Encephalopathy is most often found in chronic alcoholics whose dietary
intake of thiamine is inadequate. The study subject, however, exhibited no
risk factors for the disorder other than a slimming -- although apparently
balanced -- diet.
The herbal supplement is a potential candidate for causing the metabolic
imbalance observed in the study. "There is the possibility that a decreased
intestinal absorption of thiamine, facilitated by the use of herbal
preparation, may have caused a deficiency of the vitamin in the patient,"
said study author GianPietro Sechi, MD, University of Sassari, Sassari,
The woman responded positively to daily intramuscular thiamine injections.
The first day of injections showed a drastic improvement and, within three
days, the walking and balance problems were resolved. Upon discharge the
following day, only a mild difficulty in opening the eyes remained. In the
following months, the subject had no neurologic complaints.
The American Academy of Neurology, an association of 18,000 neurologists and
neuroscience professionals, is dedicated to improving patient care through
education and research. For more information about the American Academy of
Neurology, visit its web site at www.aan.com.
La APA tú Cardeñosa ha tomado la decisión de proponer al señor Cardeñosa
que, dada su experiencia en perder el tiempo en este tipo de tonterías,
lidere ante la RAE uno de esos cambios lexicológicos que tanto le gustan
y proponga que a partir de ahora a las Prostitutas (Putas y Putos) se
nos defina con más dignidad como: Persona que mantiene profesionalmente
relaciones sexuales realizando el amor en lugar de la guerra.
Juan Ramón_IRON
De La Torre y Del Rayo la nobleza obliga.