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RE: [escepticos] eco-escepticismo o intereses ocultos?

Hola, hola.

> Es cierto, pero hay que matizar.
> Pues primero, el tetraetilo de plomo se ha sustituido por otros 
> antidetonantes, pero es que esas  reducciones de las
> que hablas se aplicarían, caso de aplicarse, a los motores Otto de gasolina,
> no a los de ciclo Diesel, que se caracterizan por emitir más materia
> particulada, especialmente cancerígena.

De que estamos hablando? Son esos antidetonante alternativos tan
toxicos como el plomo? Que quiere decir "caso de aplicarse"? Es que la
reduccion de emision de plomo no es cierta?

Lo siguiente esta sacado de las paginas de una ONG que intenta reducir
la exposicion al plomo en la India, no del lobby del Sr. Otto.

Lead is the number one environmental poison amongst the toxic heavy
metals all over the world, causing serious health hazards to humans,
especially to young children
In India, as in most developing countries, the main source of lead
pollution is automobile exhaust. Although India issued in February
1990 its first National Emission Standards for lead and other
pollutants, the recommended permissible limits of lead (0.56 g/L) are
still very much higher than those of developed countries like the US,
UK, and Germany. In the US, the virtual elimination of leaded gasoline
resulted in a 77% decrease in the average blood lead level of the
population between 1976 and 1991. In the UK, a 50% drop in gasoline
lead levels corresponded with a 20% drop in blood lead levels.  

The NAEI compiles estimates of emissions to the atmosphere from UK
sources such as cars, trucks, power stations and industrial plant.
These emissions are estimated to help to find ways of reducing the
impact of human activities on the environment and our health. 
Since 1970 lead (Pb) emissions have declined by 93%. The largest
source is lead from anti-knock lead additives in petrol and it is here
where the most significant reductions have been made. The lead content
of leaded petrol was reduced from around 0.34 g/l to 0.143 g/l in 1986
and since 1987 sales of unleaded petrol have increased particularly as
a result of the increased use of cars fitted with catalytic
converters. Leaded petrol was phased out from general sale at the end
of 1999, and consequently a decline in the road transport sector is
Since 1989, total NOx emissions have declined by 46% as a result of
a 53% decrease from road transport, due to the introduction of
catalytic converters and stricter regulations and a 54% reduction from
power stations. 
CO emissions are dominated by road transport activities. Over the
period 1970-2000 emissions decreased by 53% reflecting significant
reduction in emissions from road transport, domestic and agricultural

> Por otra parte, aunque hayan mejorado algo las emisiones, la potencia media
> de los coches ha subido un 30%, aparte de haber aumentado el número.

Las emisiones no han mejorado "algo". Han mejorado suficiente para
contrarestar el incremento en el numero de coches.

> Eso sin hablar de que , como ya he mencionado, gran parte de los
> catalizadores circulan por ahí envenenados o agotados, y eso no se controla
> para nada, pues esos coches no despiden humo blanquecino ni nada de eso.
> Finalmente, nuestra Ley de Medio Ambiente Atmosférico es del 75, y las
> emisiones de NOx ya me dirás en qué ITV las miran...

Esa es otra historia. Tambien es curioso que que en muchos paises de
la Union Europea se subvencionen (indirectamente, por la menor presion
fiscal sobre el combustible) los motores diesel cuando son mas
contaminantes que los de gasolina. 

Pero eso no quita para que los coches de hoy sean mucho menos
contaminantes que los de hace veinte a~os.
> y es que , como siempre digo, es la vida la losa de los sueños...
> Miguel Angel