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[escepticos] SOHO, Euroseti y los ovnis: Episodio II
Se comentaba el otro día por aquí que un grupo llamado Euroseti
afirmaba que habían encontrado pruebas irrefutables de la existencia de
ovnis en las imágenes obtenidas por el observatorio solar SOHO. Ya hay
más noticias sobre lo de Euroseti y los ovnis. Hay más noticias al
Science: SOHO Strikes Back
Posted by michael on 25/01/03 19:00
Nick Lightfoot writes "As seen on /. several days ago, Euroseti is
holding a conference to show off it's collection of pictures of 'UFOs'
taken by SOHO cameras. SOHO has released a response page to show how a
cosmic ray or other similar ccd artifact could be mistaken for a UFO,
especially after the image has been enhanced. After watching Euroseti's
video featuring some of the images, I was able to identify one of the
'UFO' images as a comet, and several others looked like they were just
planets. Hopefully they will release some images on the web soon so I
taking take a closer look at them without having to buy their £15 cd."
La página oficial de SOHO, donde se responde, es
http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/2003_01_17/ y el vídeo de
Euroseti se puede descargar en http://sabre.legend.co.uk/Euro150kps.wmv
La página de este grupo es http://www.ufomag.co.uk/euroseti.htm
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http://infoastro.com/rvr | lágrimas en la lluvia.