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[escepticos] Respuesta de SA a la, ejem, LA CARTA

La acabo de recibir. Os la copio íntegra a continuación.

El primer párrafo hace referencia a una versión truncada que le llegó primero,
por error. Dos minutos después recibió la versión completa.

------Respuesta de John Rennie------
Dear Adela Torres, et al.:

Thank you very much for your message, and for the sincere appreciation and
respect for Scientific American evident in your comments. You did not specify
that the article concerning magnetic fields, plant growth, and "magnetically
treated water" were the reason for your misgivings about the September issue of
Investigacion y Ciencia, but I am sure that is the case

When I became aware of the publication of this article, I must admit that I was
personally very disturbed. Even brief descriptions of the article suggested to
me that the "science" described was not of a quality that would satisfy most
professional journals, in part because the assumptions and methodology included
concepts like "magnetically treated water" that have no scientific basis
whatsoever. This is not an article that we at the American edition of
Scientific American would ever have published.  My fear is that its appearance
in Investigacion y Ciencia bruises the reputation of that outstanding magazine.
I have already alerted my colleagues at other editions of the magazine that
they should not consider translating the article. 

I am already speaking to the editor of Investigacion y Ciencia about this
matter, and attempting to explain to him how his normally excellent judgment
went wrong in this case. May I say that  José Maria Valderas is now and has
always been a wonderful editor; I prefer not to let this mistake (although it
is a serious one) undermine my high esteem for him, or for Investigacion y

You mentioned in your message that the editor's response to you had not been
adequate. If I might ask, could you please tell me what his response to you
was? I would be grateful to know how he is responding to the criticisms of the
article, and I hope that he is not adamantly defending it.

My hope is that in the months ahead, you will see that Investigacion y Ciencia
and Scientific American still cling to the high standards you have expected of
them in the past. I do not yet know what the resolution of the dispute over
this September article will be, but I hope that I have been able to reassure
you that I share your concerns completely.


John Rennie

-------Fin de la respuesta------

De Valderas sigo sin tener respuesta. Por cierto que, como véis, a Rennie le
preocupa que las respuestas del editor español no hayan sido adecuadas. Los que
hayáis recibido respuesta, ¿tendríais inconveniente en hacérselas saber a John
Rennie, junto con vuestras preguntas? 

Para los no angloparlantes, cuando tenga un ratito saco una traducción-patata.
