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Vida en Marte, continua la polemica
Parece que se acepta el origen marciano del meteorito. Ahora,
lo que no acaba de estar claro es si eso son fosiles. Los interesados
pueden visitar Scientific American,
http://www.sciam.com/WEB/1096issue/1096infocus.html . Se discute un
par de "falsas alarmas" y creo que basta este parrafo para ilustrar
una de las alternativas:
If not life, then what can account for this odd collection of
features? One possibility is a hydrothermal process.
"Imagine hot fluids flowing through the crust," suggests
John F. Kerridge of the University of California at San
Diego. "The crystallization of magnetite, iron sulfides and
carbonate with a change in the chemistry over time is
perfectly reasonable. If anywhere in the subsurface of
Mars there are PAHs, then they would be carried by this
fluid and deposited where the fluids crystallize. I think the
nanostructures are most likely an unusual surface texture
resulting from the way in which the carbonate