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(fwd) Re: The real truth about crop circles.

>X-Persona: <Apeiron>
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>From raticulin
From: el en llavero.solitario.com (El Llavero Solitario)
>To: apeiron en arrakis.es
>Subject: (fwd) Re: The real truth about crop circles.
>Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 22:55:46 GMT
>Reply-To: lechero en geocities.com
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>El día 4 Dec 1996 20:43:04 GMT, en el grupo alt.paranet.skeptic
>ad058 en sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca (TIMOTHY GUEGUEN) dijo:
>Alex Krycek (redherring en illuminati.com) wrote:
>: Ignore all evidence of crop circles!  The government 
>: has invented crop circles to hide the real alien conspiracy.  
>: They don't want us to know that legions of UFOs containing
>: 5 ft tall, grey alien supermen are preparing to invade our
>: world.  The aliens are being led by non other than Satin!  Yes
>: that soft, sleek, billowing leader of Heck has made a deal with
>: the United States Government.  Beware of Bill Gates, he is Satin's
>: regent!  He seeks to make the alien conquered Earth into Microsoft
>: World 99 TM.  
>: 	Please send me E-mail to reply as a free citizen against
>: this mass Makavellian oppression!  If your E-mail does not make it
>: through, beware, Senator Exxon has already gotten to me!
>Don't trust Krychek!!  He's actually a Russian spy!!  An EVILLLE
>spy!!  I know because I've seen what he's tried to do to Fox Mulder!!!
>can't be trusted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
>tim gueguen ad058 en sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca
> LeCHeRo, Spanish Milkman  
> mailto://lechero en geocities.com
> 909-549752, +34-09-549752
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