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Richard Dawkins

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Es una larga entrevista que hace la revista Skeptic a Richard Dawkins.
Aqui una muestra para tener una idea del calibre de la conversacion:


Skeptic: Can we use Darwinism and natural selection to analyze other events
in history? To put it in its crudest form, if Hitler had won WWII would that
have proved that his system was better (in a Darwinian sense) than that of
the Allies? Or does the fact that the Soviet Bloc crumbled tell us anything
about the relative fitness of market-based economies versus command
economies. If might (or at least survival and reproduction) doesn't make
right (as well as everything else), what does? 
Dawkins: I think it is not helpful to apply Darwinian language too widely.
Conquest of nation by nation is too distant f


Skeptic: You also took a bit of flak for likening religion (I think
specifically Catholicism) to a virus? Is that still your position? 
Dawkins: Yes. I come to it through the analogy to computer viruses. We have
two kinds of viruses that have a lot in


Skeptic: Well, you document examples of such attacks in the end notes to the
1989 edition of The Selfish Gene. Isn't it just as ideological for Marxism
to be brought in as an argument against genetic differences as it is to
bring in Biblical fundamentalism as an argument against Darwinian evolution?
Aren't we dealing with religion, rather than science here? 
Dawkins: I suspect that we may be. The reason I think so is that the
criticisms in some cases just seem to be silly.


Skeptic: How do you evaluate the work of Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, J.P.
Rushton, and Pierre van den Berghe, all of whom have argued that kin
selection theory does help explain nationalism and patriotism? 
Dawkins: One could invoke a kind "misfiring" of kin selection if you wanted
to in such cases. Misfirings are common


y por ahi va...

En otras secciones de la revista hay articulos y entrevistas tambien harto
interesantes (aun no los he leido).
Diviertanse... (o como dicen en España.. divertios)
