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Int J Neurosci 1987 Sep;36(1-2):41-53
Patterns of interhemispheric correlation during human communication.
Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Ramos J
Facultad de Psicologia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City.
Correlation patterns between the electroencephalographic activity of both hemispheres in adult subjects were obtained. The morphology of these patterns for one subject was compared with another subject's patterns during control situations without communication, and during sessions in which direct communication was stimulated. Neither verbalization nor visual or physical contact are necessary for direct communication to occur. The interhemispheric correlation patterns for each subject were observed to become similar during the communication sessions as compared to the control situations. These effects are not due to nonspecific factors such as habituation or fatigue. The results support the syntergic theory proposed by one of the authors (Grinberg-Zylberbaum).
PMID: 3654091, UI: 88006593
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Physiol Behav 1981 Oct;27(4):749-51
Evoked potentials and concept formation in man.
Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, John ER
PMID: 7323180, UI: 82106298
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J Theor Biol 1976 Jan;56(1):95-110
The retrieval of learned information--a neurophysiological convergence-divergence theory.
Grinberg-Zylberbaum J
PMID: 177824, UI: 76172944
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Physiol Behav 1975 Jan;14(1):7-11
Caudate nucleus lesion selectively increases paradoxical sleep episodes in the rat.
Corsi-Cabrera M, Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Arditti LS
The EMG, ECG and the behavioral activity of seven rats were recorded for three days previous to and 24 hours after lesioning both caudate-putamen complexes. Following the lesion, the paradoxical sleep stage lengthened by about 248%, without noticeable changes in the slow wave sleep or in the waking stages. The greatest increase was obtained with lesions placed in the mediomedial portion of the caudate-putamen complex. In other six rats submitted to the above procedure except that the lesions were placed in the anterior cerebral cortex, and also in five more rats implanted in both caudate-putamen complexes but not lesioned, no change was noted in the waking, paradoxical sleep or slow wave sleep stages.
PMID: 168600, UI: 75218109
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Physiol Behav 1974 Jun;12(6):913-8
Caudate nucleus stimulation impairs the processes of perceptual integration.
Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Carranza MB, Cepeda GV, Vale TC, Steinberg NN
PMID: 4832454, UI: 74176985
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Physiol Behav 1973 Jun;10(6):1005-9
Correlation of evoked potentials in the caudate nucleus and conditioned motor responses.
Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Prado-Alcala R, Brust-Carmona H
PMID: 4717637, UI: 73215863
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Physiol Behav 1973 Jan;10(1):59-64
Suppression of motor conditioning by the injection of 3 M KCl in the caudate nuclei of cats.
Prado-Alcala RA, Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Alvarez-Leefmans J, Brust-Carmona H
PMID: 4697020, UI: 73155643
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