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[escepticos] Lectio at Cydonia (fwd)


  Por si quieren echarle un vistazo a l en s caras de Marte.


VĂ­ctor R. Ruiz
rvr en idecnet.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 4 May 1999 13:15:23 GMT
From: Angel Garcia <bp887 en FreeNet.Carleton.CA>
Newsgroups: alt.art.scene, alt.art.bodypainting, sci.astro
Subject: Lectio at Cydonia

At very centre of the whole Museum of Monuments in Cydonia (Mars)
there is a magnificent scene:


Named "Lectio" (Latin for 'Lecture') at pages 62 and 63 of our
"Complete Atlas of Cydonia (Mars) with Artistic Content"
  by D.G. Lahoz (with my amateur illustrations); UNIAM, jan-1998

We interpret it as a bass-relief scene to be admired from zenith
at some 400 km spacecrafts. It is designed to be observed with
low solar angle of late sunset. (Quite possibly the sunrise light
will show different scene or variant of it). There are only 2 NASA
frames of enough resolution: 35A72 and 70A13; both at sunset and
the first (above shown) with lower solar angle (larger shadows) of
the little hills. Area is 12 km long by 8 km wide (macro-Monument).
Abstract Art for eyes of well trained critics and artists.
The sitting 'lecturer' (man or woman) is gesturing with his right hand
and bent arm (firstly detected in TETET-96). The 'standing student'
is more difficult: dressed in medieval fashion with flamboyant hat and
attentively facing and listening to the lecturer.
The shadows at his left shoulder depict (as in a flat canvas) a wide
'crack' precisely in the flat and large bone of shoulder-back:
the ??? (?). It is in such crack where the mathematical centre
(marked with X in my above sketch) of the 9000 (km)^2 Museum is located.
Meaning ?: being central has to be a summary of what the whole
Museum (more than 70 Monuments and counting) is all about: a martian
lecture to whom it may concern (like us, terrestrials) about
long past human life on martian surface around 500 million years ago.
Any ideas, variant Art-interpretations, etc. ?
Angel, secretary of Universitas Americae (UNIAM). His proof of ETI at
Cydonia and index of book "TETET-98: Generacion del Hombre en Marte" by Prof.
Dr. D.G. Lahoz (leader on ETI and Cosmogony) can be studied at URL:
     http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~bp887    ***************************