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Collections under which this article appears:
Extraocular Circadian Phototransduction in Humans
Scott S. Campbell,
Patricia J. Murphy
Physiological and behavioral rhythms are governed by an endogenous
circadian clock. The response of the human circadian clock to
extraocular light exposure was monitored by measurement of body
temperature and melatonin concentrations throughout the
circadian cycle before and after light pulses presented to the
popliteal region (behind the knee). A systematic relation was found
between the timing of the light pulse and the magnitude and direction of phase shifts, resulting in the generation of a phase response curve.
These findings challenge the belief that mammals are incapable of
extraretinal circadian phototransduction and have implications for the
development of more effective treatments for sleep and circadian rhythm
Laboratory of Human Chronobiology, Department of Psychiatry,
Cornell University Medical College, 21 Bloomingdale Road, White Plains,
NY 10605, USA.
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
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Volume 279, Number 5349 Issue of 16 Jan 1998,
pp. 396 - 399
©1998 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Copyright © 1998 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.