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Re: [escepticos] Bad news

> Jose Alonso wrote:

> Según informó a EL DIA Sergio Gutiérrez, el especialista encargado de
> dirigir el ensayo y doctor en medicina bio-energética por la
> Universidad de Columbia, en los Estados Unidos,[...]

En la universidad de Columbia, en NY (puede haber otras, pero no he
mirado) donde único se nombra "bioenergetics" o algo parecido es en el
site del "centro Rosenthal". Mientras miraba las magufadas, me he
encontrado con esta página sobre los "ensayos clínicos" en marcha. He
encontrado una joya que es digna de compartir (no se si os hará la misma
gracia que a mi:

"Clown Care and Healing"

The Rosenthal Center in collaboration with the Big Apple Circus, and the
Department of Pediatrics at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center awarded
three research grants for studies of the impact of the Big Apple Circus
Clown Care Unit® on hospitalized children. These studies will quantify
the extent to which "clown therapy" affects the healing process for
hospitalized children, their parents, and caregivers. The three studies
are: (1) The Effect of Clowns on Decreasing Physiological and
Psychological Indicators of Distress in Children and Adolescents
Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization; (2) The Impact of Clowns on Distress
during Invasive Procedures in the Pediatric Oncology Day Clinic; and (3)
Clown Therapy and the Pediatric Surgical Patient.
La url es:


