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[escepticos] Re: Otra pagina delirante

Citando a http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/2360/index.html

"My point is that the countries having meaningful shapes is an indication
that we are software in a computer--the universe and this earth and human
history are software. It is a holographic type of virtual reality software,
where the small reflects the large, events on earth are reflected in events
in the stars-- which is why astrology works. If we are all software,
maybe angels are software programmers, and the Devil is in charge of
software test."

JUAAAAAAA *llorando de risa*

Maldicion, nuestro disfraz ha sido arruinado por este eximio exponente
de la New Age! Ahora como hago para hacerle creer a mi familia que no
soy el Diablo?? ;-)

"Norway looks somewhat like a fish, and Sweden looks a bit like the mouth of
a dragon. This may relate to the Vikings in the past being from these

Imperdible, me voy a asegurar de que mis colegas y amigos suecos
conozcan estas terribles revelaciones aqui en Gotemburgo!

"The movie "Godzilla" is relevant to our discussion here, because it is
about a beast which rises out of the sea, and that is how the Antichrist is
described, as a beast that rises out of the sea. So there could be a message
for us in "Godzilla", maybe that New York will be important in the events of

JUAAAAAAAAAAAA *necesitando un tratamiento de urgencia por ruptura de
diafragma despues de reir durante 3 horas seguidas*

Siempre sospeche que debi iniciar la Iglesia de San Godzilla y reclutar
miles de seguidores!

"July 10, 1998, there was a "Z" pattern seen in the sky by many people in
England, on the coast of England facing towards Ireland. It was caused by a
meteor breaking up in the sky. It is interesting that this was shortly
before the opening of the movie "Zorro" in the U.S. on July 17. The symbol
of "Zorro" is the "Z". Zorro being a mysterious masked stranger, a man on
horseback, who defends the oppressed against injustice, this reminds one of
the Antichrist, a man on horseback, the Saviour of Mankind."

Demasiaaaaaadooooooooo!!! ;-) Necesito tranquilizantes!! *risas
histericas y colapso final debido a un aneurisma*
