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RE: [escepticos] Re: Otra pagina delirante

España tiene forma de cacerola con mango. hmmmm, me pregunto que
consecuencias tendra eso ?

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: owner-escepticos en dis.ulpgc.es
> [mailto:owner-escepticos en dis.ulpgc.es]En nombre de Carlos Gonzalia
> Enviado el: Thursday, December 09, 1999 4:38 PM
> Para: escepticos en ccdis.dis.ulpgc.es
> Asunto: [escepticos] Re: Otra pagina delirante
> Citando a http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/2360/index.html
> "My point is that the countries having meaningful shapes is an indication
> that we are software in a computer--the universe and this earth and human
> history are software. It is a holographic type of virtual reality
> software,
> where the small reflects the large, events on earth are reflected
> in events
> in the stars-- which is why astrology works. If we are all software,
> maybe angels are software programmers, and the Devil is in charge of
> software test."
> JUAAAAAAA *llorando de risa*
> Maldicion, nuestro disfraz ha sido arruinado por este eximio exponente
> de la New Age! Ahora como hago para hacerle creer a mi familia que no
> soy el Diablo?? ;-)
> "Norway looks somewhat like a fish, and Sweden looks a bit like
> the mouth of
> a dragon. This may relate to the Vikings in the past being from these
> countries."
> Imperdible, me voy a asegurar de que mis colegas y amigos suecos
> conozcan estas terribles revelaciones aqui en Gotemburgo!
> "The movie "Godzilla" is relevant to our discussion here, because it is
> about a beast which rises out of the sea, and that is how the
> Antichrist is
> described, as a beast that rises out of the sea. So there could
> be a message
> for us in "Godzilla", maybe that New York will be important in
> the events of
> Revelation."
> JUAAAAAAAAAAAA *necesitando un tratamiento de urgencia por ruptura de
> diafragma despues de reir durante 3 horas seguidas*
> Siempre sospeche que debi iniciar la Iglesia de San Godzilla y reclutar
> miles de seguidores!
> "July 10, 1998, there was a "Z" pattern seen in the sky by many people in
> England, on the coast of England facing towards Ireland. It was
> caused by a
> meteor breaking up in the sky. It is interesting that this was shortly
> before the opening of the movie "Zorro" in the U.S. on July 17. The symbol
> of "Zorro" is the "Z". Zorro being a mysterious masked stranger, a man on
> horseback, who defends the oppressed against injustice, this
> reminds one of
> the Antichrist, a man on horseback, the Saviour of Mankind."
> Demasiaaaaaadooooooooo!!! ;-) Necesito tranquilizantes!! *risas
> histericas y colapso final debido a un aneurisma*
> Carlos