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Re: [escepticos] SOS a la corrala

Hola Josep, 
 cuantas lunas!!,
On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Josep Catala wrote:
> En definitiva, y ahí va el SOS:
> ---no estaría por demás que desde la corrala, quien quiera y
> pueda, me
> fuera mandando temas que él crea que, siendo una "cosa de la
> vida", es
> necesario ofrecer al ciudadanito de a pie una información
> correcta. No
> se trata, obviamente, de formar ingenieros por
> correspondencia

 Existe un dato que me parece interesante, y a proposito de los malos
toxicos de los artificial que pierde su energia vital :

"chemical high ligths 25.5: Nature is not always green: Natural

 Many people believe that everything synthetic is somehow suspect and
"bad" and that all of nature`s chemiclas are benign. As pointed out by
Ames (professor Bruce N.Ames, university of california at Berkeley) and
others, this is a misconception. Although we have seen that, indeed, many
manufactured chemicals have problems with toxicity and adverse effects on
teh environment, people have managed to put most of these compounds to
beneficial use. On the other side of the spectrum, nature`s chemicals are
not any different from synthetic ones. Nature has its own highly
productive laboratory, which puts out compounds by the millions, many of
which are highly toxic, as, for example, quite a few of the alkaloids
found in plants. Consequently, there are numerous (sometime lethal) cases
of poisoning (especially of children) due to the accidental ingestion of
plant material, the eating of green potatoes (exposed to sunligth, which
increases their toxin levels), the drinking of herbal teas, the
sonsumption of "poison" mushrooms, and so forth. Abraham Lincoln`s mother
died from drinking milk from a cow that had grazed on the toxic snakeroot
 [...][plants] have developed an array of chemical weapons, "natural
pesticides" with which to mount an effective defense strategy. Tens of
thousands of thses chemicals are now known.
Americans consume about 1.5 g of natural pesticides  per person per day,
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^
in the form of vegetables, fruit, tea, coffe an so forth. 10000 times more
than their intake of synthetic pesticide residues.        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Few of these plant toxins have been tested for carcinogenicity but, of
those tested (in rodents), roughly half are carcinogenic, the same
proportion as of syntehtic chemicals.
 Why, then, have we all not been exterminated by these poisons? One reason
is that the level of our exposure to any one of these natural pesticides
is very small. More importantly, we, like plants, have evolved to defend
ourselves against this brrage of chemical projectiles. Thus, for starters,
our first line of defense, the surface layers of the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, intestine, skin, and lungs, is discarded once every few days as
"cannon fodder". In addition, we have moltiple detosisgying mechanism,
rendering ingested poisons nontoxic, ew excrete a lot of material before
it does any harm, ou DNA has many ways of repairing damage, and, finally,
aour ability to smell and taste "repugnant" sustances serves as an advance
warning signal. In the final analysis , we each must judge what we put
into our bodies, but the ageold wisdoms still hold:avoid anything in
escess and maintain variety in your diet..

K.PeterC.Volhardt, Neil E.Schore "Organic Chemistry:structure and
Function", 3rd edition,p.1140 (1999)W.H.Freeman and Co., ISBN

 Espero que esto te sirva y que algun corralero le parezca util.

 Un saludo cordial,
