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[escepticos] **vuelta de tuerca.

Me acaban de mandar este chiste que me parecio ponia una interesante vuelta
de tuerca a lo que de otro modo es un chiste algo viejillo.

6) The Rich Land

On the sixth day, God turned to the Angels and said: "Today I am going
to create a land called Israel, it will be a land of mountains full of
snow, sparkly lakes, forests full of all kind of trees, high cliffs
overlooking sandy beaches with an abundance of sea life."

God continued, "I shall make the land rich so to make the inhabitants
prosper, I shall call these inhabitants Israeli, and they shall be known
to the most people on earth."

"But Lord, asked the Angels, don't you think you are being too generous
to these Israeli's?"

"Not really, God replied, just wait and see the neighbors I am going to
give them."