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Re: [escepticos] Historia extraña
Manuel Caro tecleaste:
> Me han enviado esta historia. No sé si será cierta o no, pero me huele a
> chorrada.
Haciendo una simple búsqueda en el google, te encuentras con esta página:
Comments: This whopper has been circulating for years by email and can be
found on dozens of Websites with the accompanying claim that it's a "true
story." But it's false, as anyone can verify by reading the actual lunar
landing transcript on NASA's Apollo 11 site (with audio & video clips).
Sometimes attributed to comedian Buddy Hackett, the Gorsky story likely began
as a joke and, as people have begun to retell it as if it's a true story, has
become an urban legend. Its popularity reminds me yet again of Professor
Brunvand's favorite epigram: "The truth never stands in the way of a good
story." In spite of the ease with which it's debunked, this one is so much
fun to tell that it will surely still be with us decades from now.
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