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Re: [escepticos] Inercia

From: Eloy Anguiano <eloyang en teleline.es>
Reply-To: escepticos en ccdis.dis.ulpgc.es
To: escepticos en ccdis.dis.ulpgc.es
Subject: Re: [escepticos] Inercia
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 22:52:49 +0100

Javier Susaeta wrote:


Gira respecto a las 'masas distantes del universo', que decía Mach,
porque en su tiempo no se conocía la naturaleza de las galaxias y se
las llamaba, así en general, 'nebulosas'. Modernamente, se habla de
las 'galaxias distantes del universo.

Uffff, esto me suena al Alfísica. No hombre, gira respecto a cualquier sistema inercial.

Y no es que lo diga yo, que lo dicen también -aunque más finamente,
claro- Mach, Einstein, Wheeler, Feynman, Misner, Thorne, Ciufolini...

Lo siento pero Einstein decía exactamente todo lo contrario.

No. Mira lo que dice Einstein en 'The Principle of Relativity' Princeton Science Library Edition, 1988, pág 100:

(...)the theory of relativity makes it appear probable that Mach was in the right road in his thought that inertia depends upon a mutual action of matter. For we shall show in the following that, according to our equations, inert masses do act upon each other in the sense of the relativity of inertia, even if only very feebly. What is to be exopected upon the line of Mach's thought?

1. The inertia of a body must increase when ponderable masses are piled up in its neighbourhood.

2. A body must experience an accelerating force when neighbouring masses are accelerated, and in fact, the force must be in the same direction as that acceleration.

3. A rotating hollow body must generate inside of itself a "Coriolis field" which deflects moving bodies in the sense of the rotation, and a radial centrifugal field as well.

We shall now show that these three effects, which are to be expected in accordance with Mach's ideas, are actually present according to our theory, although their magnitude is so samll that confirmation of them by laboratory experiments is not to be thought of. (...)

Fíjate en la similitud de lo del cuerpo hueco rotatorio con lo de las 'masas distantes del universo' en que tanto insisto. Ellas no giran. Gira el cubo respecto a ellas. Pero el efecto es el mismo.



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