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[escepticos] FW CIPSI-Peru
Dear Fellows,
Skeptical views are been offered in Peruvian mass
-The day after Easter Sunday we were invited to talk
about paranormal claims and specially on psychical
surgery in a very popular show -"The Happiness of
Noon". Its Argentinian producer, Mr. F. Guille, likes
paranormal and controversial topics so we sent him our
a Neo-Skepsis magazine eemplar and he read that
magicians are very good to explain some "strange"
things. So magician "Khalid" was also invited to the
high-rating show -it can be watched in the Americas
through TV Sur-, he firstable appeared like a
medicine-man and after opering like a Philipinno
surgeon he unveiled himself as a professional
illusionist (He has already heard about RandiŽs work).
A Peruvian psychic healer present also in the show was
in a very sad position even more when a lady
telephoned and said he was not able to cure to his own
sun passed away recently.
Mr. F. Guille renounced to "The Happiness of Noon" for
working in a contest show. So there is no more debates
on paranormal at noon.
-But there is a more intelectual debate on paranormal
in a Public TV talk show -"The Performance of Word"-
whose host is Dr. M. Denegri. His Sunday nights
programms are interviews with (non-) fiction authors,
intelectuals and some times priests and could be
watched in all the country and part of South America
-but their have in fact a low-rating-. Dr. Denegri is
a very learned man, knows about many fields, specially
on Sexology, Spanish Linguistics and cocksŽ fights!
Although he is a freethinker he is at the same time a
believer in some Paranormal claims, of course when
they are "verified". We could note that when he said
some weeks before that U. Geller and T.
SeriosŽparanormal abilities were proved by Wilson y
CIPSI-Peru sent him copies of some chapters of books
by Randi, Pollidoro, Blackmore, Kurtz, Gardner. He
replied on Sunday May 12 their explanations can be
also refuted -for instance when Gradner said the
researcher failed was not watching to the psychic
Denegri replied where the researcher was? In
bathroom?-. And then he went to the Epistemological
problem of the limits of Science and other kind of
explanations for about 30 minutes. We are preparing
our second reply -time ago there was another
discussion on a book of human sexuality by me but
according to my knowledge he did not read my reply to
his hard criticisms-.
Dr. DenegriŽs shows exist since some years ago and he
has received all our books and periodicals -he reads
many hours per day all kind of literature-. But he has
never invited us to any of them until now.
-Monday 6 we were interviewed on our rationalist
labour by El Comercio (The Commerce), the most
important Peruvian daily -they published 3 letters
from us in the last month in their SundayŽs Magazine-.
Because some active but uncertain Peruvian fellows did
not want to participate at the interview an e-contact
was invited to be there by phone on Friday 3 about 8
pm. Then at 10 pm a fire-men car went to CFI-Peru
-where also I live- because of a false alarm!
-Wednesday 8 we were interviewed for a video program
by college students (Last year other students taped us
for a simmilar show).
-Finally we hope to bring to CSICOPŽs meeting in
Burbank this June our video special "Paranormal in
Peruvian mass media" with Dr. KurtzŽ new book in
Spanish "Championing Reason. Humanist and Skeptical
Essays" edited by us.
Manuel Abraham Paz y Mino, Director CIPSI-Peru branch
of AERPFA/Peruvian CFI.
Claudio Pastrana
"Lo más incomprensible del universo es que sea precisamente comprensible"
A. Einstein
Al Alcance de la Razón TM