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[escepticos] los productos GM triunfan
Crops Perform Far Better in Third World Than U.S.
Insects may pose a concern for farmers in the developed world, but in places where pesticide technologies are not as sophisticated, a buggy growing season can decimate a crop's yield. To that end, a cotton hybrid genetically modified to resist some common pests has produced dramatically greater yields than non-bioengineered crops on farms in subtropical India.
Fernando Gimeno Bellver.
Ingeniería Industrial
Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales y Fluidos
Centro Politécnico Superior (edificio Torres Quevedo)
María de Luna 3.
50018. Zaragoza. (Spain)
Tel.: + 34 976 761000 (ext. 5223), 976 845223
Fax.: + 34 976 761957
E-mail: fgimeno en posta.unizar.es
PGP Key ID: 0EE26ADB (public key at http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371)