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Re: [escepticos] Una firma menos

Hola, hola.

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Josep Català wrote:
> Ya que estamos hilando tan fino, recuerdo a VI que el tal señor Isaac Newton
> también redactó horóscopos.

Me ha llamado la atencion la afirmacion (si que sabia de sus estudios 
teologicos, pero no de los astrologicos). Una busqueda rapida me ha 
llevado a  http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/astrology/newton.htm, donde 
dice que:

During the past few decades, an enormous amount of studies have been 
published on Newton, reaching a high-water mark during the 
tercentenary of the publication of Newton's Philosophiæ naturalis 
principia mathematica (1687). Many of his hitherto unpublished papers, 
notably those from the so-called 'Portsmouth Collection', have been 
edited and commented on. 
However, none of these studies have turned up one shred of evidence 
that Newton ever conducted any research on astrology.[4] One of the 
foremost Newton scholars, the English historian of science Derek 
Thomas Whiteside has stated that he never found any reference to 
astrology among the 50 million words which have been preserved from 
Newton's hand.[5] 

Tiene alguin alguna referencia de que Newton redactara horoscopos?

