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Re: [escepticos] escepticismo escéptico (era: telediarios)

El Miércoles 05 Abril 2006 16:29, Eloy Anguiano Rey escribió:
> El mié, 05-04-2006 a las 15:48 +0200, Francisco Colomer escribió:
> > PD: no creas, yo también me planteo a veces si "hacemos falta"... soy
> > "escéptico del escepticismo" !! ;)
> Si no fuese así seríamos una secta ;-P

Hay una curiosa discusión sobre los límites del escepticismo en:

 The relative status of skepticism and science:
    The Problem of Skepticism 

Algunas perlas:

"The most important (problem with skepticism) in my opinion is the rejection 
of eye witness accounts of rare events. An average person's skepticism about 
UFO visits, premonitions, miricles, typing cats, etc. is based only on the 
fact that they have not seen these things. There is no scientific principal 
that proves them to be impossible, they just dont fit the picture of reality 
that people have drawn in their minds. In fact, something happens only once 
per century that seems to violate some rule of physics and if only a few 
people saw it happen each time, they would not be taken seriously until some 
future revelation in scientific knowledge showed that it can happen.
An open minded investigation into the event that starts with "how can this 
happen?" could put science far ahead of where it would be otherwise."

"The main (problems with skepticism) as I see them are:
    * trying to redefine the word skeptic to mean what members of skeptical 
clubs disbelieve
    * trying to persuade that skepticism is science
    * organized skeptics, most of them famous, being extremely rude and their 
behavior being excused by their peers
    * Lack of females and minorities in the movement 

etc etc.



PD: no viene mal releerse el "Skeptical manifesto" en: 
http://www.skeptic.com/about_us/manifesto.html y  