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[Fwd: Paul Kurtz]
Parece que la salud de los escepticos historicos deja un tanto que
desear... Os mando un mensaje que acabo de recibir.
SkeptInq en aol.com wrote:
> Dear CSICOP Announce List Member,
> On Monday, December 2, we learned that Paul Kurtz, founder and Chairman of
> CSICOP and the Skeptical Inquirer magazine, had a blockage in his heart which
> required bypass surgery.
> The surgery was performed yesterday afternoon (December 4) at Buffalo General
> Hospital.
> We are very pleased to report that the operation was a complete success.
> The surgeons stated that it went perfectly, and he should be back stronger
> than ever.
> Of course, he will need some time to recover and will be in the hospital for
> the next several days and then out of the office for six or seven weeks.
> If you would like to send a card or your best wishes the address is:
> Paul Kurtz
> Buffalo General Hospital
> 100 High Street
> Buffalo, NY 14203
> or care of us at:
> Paul Kurtz
> PO Box 703
> Amherst, NY 14226
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