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e-mail to help kids
Un ejemplo de email no deseado.
?Me pregunto si este tipo de email son para una buena causa o para
conseguir una buena lista de direcciones donde enviar correo basura?
Yo me decando por la segunda opcion.
Nadie da duros por 4 pesetas.
Jose Enrique
>Return-Path: <bowers en magician.UCSD.EDU>
>Date: Wed, 23 Apr 97 09:59:22 PDT
>From raticulin
From: bowers en magician.UCSD.EDU (Nancy Bowers x40961)
>To: students en sio.ucsd.edu
>Subject: e-mail to help kids
>>Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 08:51:42 -0700 (PDT)
>>X-Sender: hmcgee en popmail.ucsd.edu
>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>To: abucholtz en ucsd.edu, gberiones en ucsd.edu, brbush en ucsd.edu, spope en ucsd.edu,
>> sabrina en arlo.ucsd.edu, dana en arlo.ucsd.edu,
>> marcella_byrne en london.sri.co.uk, Randy Franke <franch en adnc.com>,
>> tapfest en earthlink.net, gberiones en ucsd.edu, CLY1 en NTRS.COM,
>> browna02 en mchip00.med.nyu.edu, Msnica en aol.com,
>> kathy.mcgee en advancedtissue.com, kkuney en ucsd.edu, vtownes en ucsd.edu,
>> bainto en pacific.ucsd.edu, mnrivera en ucsd.edu, nneal en ucsd.edu,
>> mcrosser en ucsd.edu, svarond en ucsd.edu, cbrooks en macvax.ucsd.edu,
>> fcannella en ucsd.edu, erios en ucsd.edu, jmalloy en ucsd.edu, bayers en ucsd.edu,
>> awilley en ucsd.edu, amreynolds en ucsd.edu, sdiggs en ucsd.edu,
>> jrosier en fiji.ucsd.edu, kristine en fiji.ucsd.edu
>>From raticulin
From: hmcgee en ucsd.edu (Helen McGee)
>>Subject: e-mail to help kids
>>>>>> please take a second
>>>>>>If you can help.....just pass on the message ---
>>>>>>Thanks to all that can do this.
>>>>>>The Houghton-Mifflin publishing company is giving books to
>>>>>>children's hospitals; the number of books they give depends on how
>>>>>>many e-mails they receive.
>>>>>>For every 25 e-mails they receive, they give one book.
>>>>>>All you have to do is send an e-mail to: share en hmco.com
>>>>>>and write "give kids books" in the subject line.
>>>>>>It takes only a few minutes.
>>>>>>So far they have received only 400 messages.
>>>>>>Last year they received 23,000 so please pass on the message to
>>>>>>anyone who may be interested.
>>Helen McGee