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RE: [escepticos] Leyenda urbana


La leyenda urbana sobre Ricky MartÃn de la que has oÃdo hablar es
simplemente eso: una leyenda urbana. La historia, para quienes no la
recuerden, es que a una adolescente le iban a dar la alegrÃa de su vida en
el programa "Sorpresa, sorpresa" escondiendo al cantante en el armario de su
habitaciÃn.  Llegado el momento, las cÃmaras graban a la menor desnuda con
su perro lamiÃndole el sexo que se lo habÃa huntado con mantequilla en una
versiÃn y con otra sustancia en otra.

Bueno, en febrero pasado, se extiende el bulo de que eso ha salido en el
mencionado programa de televisiÃn. Todo el mundo dice que alguien lo ha
visto, la AsociaciÃn Pro Derechos del NiÃo y la NiÃa denuncia los hechos y
hasta la FiscalÃa de Menores investiga el asunto. Pero el problema es que ni
hay vÃdeo ni hay programa ni hay nada. La cuestiÃn, que no deja de ser
interesante, es por quà precisamente surge la leyenda de "Sorepresa,
sorpresa" nada mÃs iniciarse una nueva temporada del programa y justo cuando
va en picado en audiencia. :-)))

La historia -la leyenda- es en realidad una adaptaciÃn de una que ya
circulaba en los aÃos 59 en Estados Unidos, pero donde se trataba desde
salir de la ducha con una toalla en la cabezxa y completamente desnuda y ser
soprendida por el padre de la compaÃera d ehabitaciÃn hasta ser sorprendida
masturbÃndose. La versiÃn del perro data de principios de los 90 y la
incluyo a continuaciÃn:


Luis Alfonso GÃmez
gamez en euskalnet.net
"SÃlo dos cosas son infinitas,
el Universo y la estupidez humana,
y no estoy seguro de la primera"
(Albert Einstein)
The Peanut Butter Surprise

Legend:   A group of friends decides to hold a surprise birthday party for
one of their  co-workers. One of the conspirators sneaks a duplicate house
key from the birthday woman's purse, and everyone leaves work a few minutes
early to meet at the woman's house and hide in the basement before she gets
home. As the group enters the empty house and  descends to the basement, the
woman's dog follows them down into the basement and stays with them as they
sit in the darkness. The woman herself arrives home shortly afterwards and
disappears into the back part of the house while the partiers wait patiently
for her to return to the living room, where they can spring their surprise
on her. Suddenly the basement door opens, and the woman walks down a few
steps into the darkness, calling for her dog. The guests decide to seize
this opportunity; they turn on the lights, spring up from their hiding
places, and shout, "Surprise!" The woman freezes on the stairway as all the
guests stare at her: she is completely naked, except for the peanut butter
slathered on her breasts and crotch.
Example:   [Collected on the Internet, 1994]

One evening at [a] party, my wife and I were talking to another couple while
we were waiting for the guest of honor to arrive. Eventually, the subject of
surprise parties came up since we were at one. I could hardly believe my
ears when the lady across the table said something like, "You'll never
believe what happened at a surprise party my friend went to in Canada:"
A man decided to throw a suprise party for his fiance. All the guests were
hiding downstairs, where her bedroom was, when she came home. She didn't
come downstairs immediately, but went straight to the bathroom and got into
the shower, so they decided to wait until she got out to surprise her.

After her shower, she came downstairs calling the dog. They turned on the
lights and yelled, "Surprise." The man's fiance was standing there
completely naked except for some peanut butter spread all over her nipples
and crotch.

The wedding was called off. She quit her job and disappeared -- nobody knows
where she is. When the friend went back to Canada shortly afterwards, the
house had a "For Sale" sign in front.

[Collected on the Internet, 1994]

I work with the son-in-law of the lady whose co-worker was at this party.
This apparently happened locally.

This guy's girlfriend is turning 30. He invites friends from both of their
work[places] to a surprise birthday party. On the night of the party, the
girl is not yet home; all the guests are hiding in the basement of her
house. She comes in the front door and looks for her dog, which the
boyfriend has downstairs to get the birthday girl to come downstairs. A few
minutes of silence pass, then the girl is calling for the dog again. She
starts down the basement steps still calling the dog and flips on the
lights. She has no clothes on and her breasts and crotch are covered with
peanut butter just for the dog. There she stands in front of family and

Her boyfriend has left her, she has not been back to work since. No word on
her family.


The woman featured in the legend is usually identified as a "co-worker," but
some versions describe her as a nurse or a bank clerk (who lives alone or
with a female roommate), a soon-to-be-married woman, or a newlywed. Versions
in which the woman is said to live alone sometimes mention her particular
fondness for her pet dog(s).

The surprisers usually hide in either the basement or the living room; in
the latter case the woman's secret is most often discovered when the
surprisers burst into the kitchen. (A few versions have her being discovered
in or just outside her bedroom.)

The woman calls her dog by name in some versions; the most frequently
mentioned names are Lucky, Chief, Kippy, or Skippy. (The last of these names
is a double pun, 'Skippy' being the brand name of both dog food and peanut
butter in the USA.)

The substance the woman smears on herself is nearly always peanut butter,
although margarine, whipped cream, and dog food are also mentioned. It is
usually spread over the woman's genitalia, but some versions also include
the breasts or nipples, or state that the woman is "covered from head to

The woman is usually described as having disappeared after the embarrassing
incident, by quitting her job, calling off her wedding, selling her house,
or moving out of town.
Origins:   This story is clearly an updating of the much older "Surprise
Party" legends in which sexual misbehavior is inadvertently revealed during
the course of a well-intended surprise. Since the sexual "sins" of earlier
versions (premarital intercourse and adultery) have lost most of their shock
value in the last few decades, they have been replaced by the more salacious
"perversions" of bestiality and homosexuality in this modern form of this
legend. Where older versions of the legend presented married women who were
rebuked for overstepping the bounds of propriety and expressing their sexual
desires, this one makes the desires of the modern, unmarried woman seem
almost pathetic. The liberated single woman is unable to either control her
sexual urges or find a suitable partner, and therefore must turn to her dog
for satisfaction. Also implicit in the legend is the suggestion that the
woman is a lesbian (hence the detail of her having a female roommate); the
legend condemns this orientation by implying that women who reject men as
sexual partners are merely "men-haters" who will accept anyone -- or
anything -- else in their place

This particular form of the legend seemed to appear out of nowhere in June
1994; at that time it suddenly popped up both on the Internet and in the
print media, with almost all the early versions reported as having occurred
in Canada (particularly Ottawa), or being told by persons living in Canada.
(Versions set in Ottawa usually describe the woman as a government employee,
so perhaps resentment of civil servants was one element of this form.)

Its origins are older though. One of our readers heard it in Burbank,
California in 1981. Another recalls the legend being related in the late
1980s as a persistent rumor attached to a girl attending her high school in
Cornwall, Ontario (a town only a short drive from Ottawa). In honor of these
whispers, the girl was nicknamed "Skippy".

An item of interest is an article which appeared in The Guardian a few
months after this legend splashed onto the Internet in 1994. It was an
interview with "Mr. Apology," a man in New York who ran a confessional
service that people could call anonymously and confess to whatever was on
their minds. (The admissions were recorded on voice mail, and callers could
listen to confessions left by others as well as leave their own.) Mr.
Apology claimed that one of his recent additions -- the Apology Pet
Corner -- had "received some unprintable admissions, involving dogs, cats,
and a jar of smooth peanut butter."

This legend resurfaced in a reworked form in early 1999, this time
attributed to a contestant on a Spanish "Candid Camera" type TV program:

The following is a true story, as seen by millions of viewers on a Spanish
T.V. Channel:
The parents of a teenage girl decided to put their daughter's name forward
for a surprise game show. She idolised teen-age pop star Ricky Martin, and
they arranged for TV cameras to be placed throughout the house. The house
was then left empty with Ricky Martin hidden in the wardrobe in the girl's
bedroom - all set to give the daughter a wonderful surprise.

However, upon returning home from school and finding the house empty, the
daughter made her way down to the kitchen where she opened the fridge and
removed a tin of pate - at this stage the live TV audience is wondering,
"What the hell is going on?"

She then went back upstairs to her bedroom where she proceeded to remove all
her clothes and spread pate all over her triangle of womanhood (at this
stage Ricky Martin is still hidden inside the wardrobe, and half of Spain is
seeing a young girl stark naked on the bed with pate all over her crotch).

As if the parents were not shocked enough by this, the daughter then calls
the family dog, who obediently trots up the stairs and settles down to his
favourite meal of "pate on a bed of seaweed". At this stage the order is
given to cut the broadcast, leaving a very embarassed set of parents in
front of a live studio audience!! Consequently, sales of tinned pate have

Last updated:   24 February 1999

The URL for this page is http://www.snopes.com/critters/lovers/peanutbt.htm
Please use this URL in all links or references to this page

Urban Legends Reference Pages  1995-1999 by Barbara and David P. Mikkelson


    Ellis, Bill.   "The Peanut Butter and Dog Surprise."
    FOAFtale News.   October 1994   (No. 35, pp. 8-12).

    Freedland, Jonathan.   "Interview: The Man Who's Glad That You're Sorry
    The Guardian.   30 July 1994   (p. 27).

    Roeper, Richard.   "Tale of Peanut Butter Spreads Latest Legend."
    Chicago Sun-Times.   26 July 1994   (p. 11).

    Wilkes, Jennifer Clarke.   "Crunchy or Smooth?"
    Frank.   7 July 1994   (p. 13).