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Re: [escepticos] Re: Gordos Vs. Delgados

At 19:33 20/06/2002 -0500, Accipiter wrote:

JA! Estupendo. Ahora sólo tienes que demostrarme esas afirmaciones totalmente
gratuítas, para que yo me las vaya creyendo. Y no esperes que vaya a
argumentar ahora en su contra, que te lo pondría muy fácil  ;-D

Supongo que Ernesto te contestará. Pero como a mi las afirmaciones de Ernesto me parecian evidentes, tu respuesta me ha hecho pensar que no he sido suficientemente escéptico :-). Así que he buscado un poco de información:

Del Merck Manual <http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section1/chapter5/5a.htm>

The prevalence of obesity in the USA is high and rising higher. In the past decade, the overall prevalence rose from 25 to 33%, an increase of 1/3. Prevalence varies significantly by sex, age, socioeconomic status, and race (see also Obesity in Ch. 275). Prevalence is 35% among women and 31% among men, and it more than doubles between the ages of 20 and 55. Among women, obesity is strongly associated with socioeconomic status, being twice as common among those with lower socioeconomic status as it is among those with higher status. Although prevalence among black and white men does not differ significantly, obesity is far more common among black than among white women, affecting 60% of middle-aged black women compared with 33% of white women.

Sobre obesidad en países en vías de desarrollo se puede encontrar información en las páginas de la FAO.
e.g.: Obesity in developing countries: causes and implications


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