X-GPMessage_ID: <1033731114:uok:MLM:51670>
From: messages en dynamic.greenpeace.org
To: fgimeno en posta.unizar.es
Subject: Greenpeace: Act Now to Prevent GE Seed Contamination
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 13:31:54 +0200 (CEST)
X-Virus-Scanned: TAMIZ + Sophos en unizar.es
Greenpeace Campaign Alert for Cyberactivists in Spain
Soon a small technical committee of the European Union (The Standing
Committee on Seeds) will be asked to approve a dirty little standard
allowing extensive contamination of European farmland with genetically
engineered (GE) plants. The proposed directive on GE seed contamination
permits "thresholds" of GE contamination in bags of ordinary seeds :
In a bag of beet, cotton or maize seed, one in every 200 seeds could be
genetically engineered without informing the farmer. (0.5%)
In a bag of rapeseed, about one in 330 seeds could be secretly
contaminated. (0.3%)
In a bag of soy seeds, more than one in every 150 could be contaminated.
You can help by writing to the Spanish agriculture minister from here:
You can also warn your friends and colleagues about this new threat by
sending them this e-card, designed by a Greenpeace cyberactivist and the
winning entry of our "Seeds of Trouble" competition:
You can send up to six e-cards at once, and we encourage you to spread the
word far and wide.
Please act soon as we expect that the crucial committee meeting will take
place within two weeks.
Please don't forget to visit the Greenpeace Cyberactivist Community at: