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[escepticos] Cosas de informaticos

Hola, hola.

Ya que se habla tanto de Unix y Linux, un par de detalles de dos
de las figuras del mundillo me han llamado la atencion ultimamente.

Por una parte Linus considera que estamos a punto de cambiar de milenio:
> Date:   Tue, 14 Dec 1999 13:57:38 -0800 (PST)
> From:   Linus Torvalds <torvalds en transmeta.com>
> To:     Kernel Mailing List <linux-kernel en vger.rutgers.edu>,
> Subject: Ok, making ready for pre-2.4 and code-freeze..
> We're obviously not going to have a 2.4 this millenium, but let's get the
> pre-2.4 series going this year, with the real release Q1 of 2000.

Por otra parte en la pagina de Jamie Zawinski (jwz, autor del XScreenSaver
y programador de los antecesores de XEmacs y Netscape Navigator) cuenta en 
su pagina como recurrio a la acupuntura para tratar su dolor de muñecas

Why did I do acupuncture? Well, I tend to place more faith in Eastern medicine
than Western for things like this, both because you tend to get more
personalized care (your HMO is going to
misdiagnose you and put you on the wrong assembly line) and because the holistic
approach just makes more sense to me -- your body is good at healing itself, if
its healthy. You need someone
who is going to look at the big picture. It's easy for their terminology to
scare you away, with talk of Qi flowing and being blocked and so on, since we
know that's not really what's going on, but
look at it this way: Newtonian mechanics isn't really what's going on either,
but it's a model, and it works really well almost all the time. 

But there is a lot of empty-headed new-agey snake-oil out there, too, as any web
search on these topics will reveal. Skepticism is also healthy. 


PD: No hablo de informatica, sino de informaticos, 
asi que no he roto mi promesa :-)